Sunday, May 31, 2009

Brumont - Tannat-Merlot (2005)

Vin de pays des cĂ´tes de Gascogne, France (2005)

Light, full-berried wine. Simple at first encounter, but mellow, warm, and smooth with each additional. The merlot adds much to the body and berry (cherry), but the Tannat, a grape local to the Gascogne region of France, keeps the wine feeling like smooth silk on a warm summer's eve.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Barefoot Cab-Sauv (2007)

California (2007)

Lovely mellow and curvy wine. Gold-medal winner at the World Wine Competition (2007), this laid-back west-coast wine is presumptuous enough to challenge the European Cab-Sauv combinations, and come out neck-and-neck.

Rich and full bodied Cabernet combines with luscious berry to produce a very easy and pleasant wine to drink with many dishes.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Caracter - Argentina (2008)

Argentina (2008)

A surprisingly delectable wine made of equal portions of Chardonnay and Chenin grapes. First impressions were of pear and crisp apple, followed by a hint of herb and tropical fruit.

Made in Mendoza region of Argentina, a region more well-known for its full bodied reds, this was a lovely summer delight.

It Has Been a Long Time

It has been a long time since I have posted... Thoughts of Randomness have been competing with the Business of Life...
en tout cas, here we are again, in modified form: Reviews of wines, food, and places to go and see will also find their way into these musings of mine - enjoy the journey!